Backup CloudApps Project Files ( Current Working )
To backup your project(s) files to your local machine.
- First log into cloudapps.
- Find your project, click on the code pod to expand it.
- Now click on the actual pod on the right.
- Copy the pod name in the upper left. Example: cupso-prod-346-vknxd.
- On your computer open your terminal or command prompt and enter in the following commands.
Example of commands entered for Mac's:
WordPress example:
oc login oc rsync cupso-prod-346-vknxd:wp-content desktop/cupso-files
Drupal 7 example:
**FYI: Please make sure that you are already in the directory that you want these files to be in!
oc login oc rsync eps-prod-10-xlgkw:sites/default/files .