FAR Unable to Login / Faculty Role

When a user gets to the page saying "Hmm, not sure you're in the right place." It is either 1 of 2 reasons.

  1. They somehow logged in not using their onyen.  Check the users page of the FAR website https://far.sog.unc.edu/wp-admin/users.php and see if their username is an email, if so, they did it wrong.  Delete their user account and have them do it again the proper way.  Instructions with screenshots are on the FAR landing page.
  2. If their username is their onyen, then they have not been recognized as a faculty member.  The site will check their job description in the SOG HR Toolkit in the data warehouse and if they have the word faculty then it will grant them the faculty role.  If they should be faculty but for some reason are not, change their role to faculty"