Wordpress Multisite Documentation
How to create a user:
- Login into your WordPress site.
- From the dashboard page click on “Users.”
- Click on “Add User” in either the sidebar or at the top left of the webpage.
- Fill in the required fields.
- Click the “submit” button in the bottom left of the screen to save the changes.
How to edit a user:
- From the dashboard page click on “Users.”
- Find the user that you wish to edit/ update.
- Click on the “user’s name” or click the “edit” button that appears underneath their username.
- Now add the information that you want to add or remove.
- Click the “submit” button in the bottom left of the screen to save the changes.
How to delete a user:
- From the dashboard page click on “Users.”
- Find the user that you wish to delete.
- Hover over the “user’s name.”
- Click the “delete” button.
- Confirm that you wish to delete that user.
Super Administrators
How to create a super user:
- Login into your wordpress site.
- From the dashboard page click on “Users.”
- Click on “Add User” in either the sidebar or at the top left of the webpage.
- Fill in the required fields.
- Click the “submit” button in the bottom left of the screen.
- Find the user that you wish to edit/ update.
- Click on the “user’s name” or click the “edit” button that appears underneath their username.
- Now check the box that says “make this user a super admin.”
- Click the “submit” button in the bottom left of the screen to save the changes.
How to edit a super user:
- From the dashboard page click on “Users.”
- Find the user that you wish to edit/ update.
- Click on the “user’s name” or click the “edit” button that appears underneath their username.
- Now add the information that you want to add or remove.
- Click the “submit” button in the bottom left of the screen to save the changes.
How to delete a super user:
- From the dashboard page click on “Users.”
- Find the user that you wish to delete.
- Hover over the “user’s name.”
- Click the “delete” button.
- Confirm that you wish to delete that user.
How to update a normal user to a super user:
- From the dashboard page click on “Users.”
- Find the user that you wish to edit/ update.
- Click on the “user’s name” or click the “edit” button that appears underneath their username.
- Now check the box that says “make this user a super admin.”
- Click the “submit” button in the bottom left of the screen to save the changes.
How to add a plugin to a site:
- From the dashboard page click on “Plugins.”
- Click on “Add Plugin” in either the sidebar or at the top left of the webpage.
- “Search” for the plugin that you want to add or click on “upload new.”
- Click the “install now” button.
- Now click on the “activate plugin” link once it has been installed (note that you can activate plugins at any time).
How to add a plugin to the network:
- Login into the network (this should be the main site on it).
- From the dashboard page click on “Plugins.”
- Click on “Add Plugin” in either the sidebar or at the top left of the webpage.
- “Search” for the plugin that you want to add or click on “upload new.”
- Click the “install now” button.
- Now click on the “activate plugin” link once it has been installed (note that you can activate plugins at any time).
How to update a plugin:
- Backup the website first before proceeding.
- Login into the site.
- From the dashboard page click on “Updates” underneath the dashboard link in the left hand sidebar.
- Check all of the plugins that you want to update or click the “select all” checkbox.
- Click the “Update Plugins” button.
- Do not deviate from the update paging while it is in its process of updating.
- Once all of the plugins have finished updating you can now move onto whatever else you were doing.
How to update network plugins:
- Backup the website first before proceeding.
- Login into the network (this should be the main site on it).
- From the dashboard page click on “Updates” underneath the dashboard link in the left hand sidebar.
- Check all of the plugins that you want to update or click the “select all” checkbox.
- Click the “Update Plugins” button.
- Do not deviate from the update paging while it is in its process of updating.
- Once all of the plugins have finished updating. You can click on “Update Network.”
- Click the “upgrade network” button.
- Again do not deviate from the update paging while it is in its process of updating.
- Once the upgrade process has finished updating all of the websites below it, you can move on with what else you were doing.
How to deactivate a plugin:
NOte: best option if the site is on a multisite.
- Backup the website first before proceeding.
- Login into the site.
- From the dashboard page click on “Plugins” in the left hand sidebar.
- Find the plugin that you want to delete.
- Click the “deactivate” button.
- Confirm that you want to deactivate the plugin.
How to delete network plugins:
- Backup the website first before proceeding.
- Login into the network (this should be the main site on it).
- From the dashboard page click on “Plugins” in the left hand sidebar.
- Find the plugin that you want to delete.
- Click the “deactivate” button.
- Confirm that you want to deactivate the plugin.
- Do not deviate from the update paging while it is in its process of deactivating.
- Once all of the plugins have finished deactivating. You can click on “plugins.”
- Again find the plugin that you wish to delete.
- Click the “delete” button.
- Confirm that you wish to delete this plugin.
Updating Process
How to update the themes and plugins:
How to update wordpress core:
Adding New Sites
How to add a site:
- Login into the network (this should be the main site on it).
- From the dashboard page click on “Sites” in the left hand sidebar.
- Click on “add new.”
- Now add in the information for the four required fields.
- Click on “add site.”
How to edit a site:
- Login into the network (this should be the main site on it).
- From the dashboard page click on “Sites” in the left hand sidebar.
- Click “edit” under the site that you want update.
- Now you can edit the individual sites for this site on the multisite instance.
- (NOTE: be careful of what you are updating for the settings, updating the url may have DNS consequences later.)
- Save the changes that you have made.
How to remove a site:
- Login into the network (this should be the main site on it).
- From the dashboard page click on “Sites” in the left hand sidebar.
- Click “delete” under the site that you want remove. (NOTE: You will most likely have to confirm this deletion.)
How to a add a domain:
You can also find this information via WP Engine portal. WP Engine Dashboard > Installs > your_instance_name > Domains
- Login into the network (this should be the main site on it).
- From the dashboard page click on “Settings” in the left hand sidebar.
- Click on “Domains.”
- Fill in the three required fields.
- Then save the new domain.
How to edit a domain:
How to delete a domain:
Specific Plugins
-Spots Plugin
How to create a spot:
- Login into your WordPress site.
- Click on “Add New.”
- Add a title.
- Add information in the text field.
- Add any custom fields that you need for this spot.
- Save the spot by clicking on “Publish.”
How to add a spot to the theme template:
- Open the theme file that you want this spot show up in i.e. footer.php.
- Then place the following code in that file where you want it to display:
<!--?php // Add the SPOT for the Site General Informational Message if ( function_exists( 'icit_spot' ) ) { icit_spot( 'SOG Site Footer' ); } ?-->
- Now change the text that says “SOG Site Footer” to the title of the spot that you wish to change it to.
- Save the theme file and git push it to the staging environment for testing.
Co-Authors Plus Plugin
How to update the theme template:
Depending on the theme that you are using, will depend on what files that you need to update. Look for files that display author information for posts. Such as index.php, single.php and functions.php.
- Within the functions.php file look for entry_meta() function, this function will display author information.
- There are many functions that you can use check the template-tags.php file for all of the functions. Make use of if, else statements so that if the plugin is turned off errors won’t be produced.
<!--?php if ( function_exists( 'coauthors' ) ) { get_coauthors(); } ?-->
- Every theme will be different, now save the theme updates.
- Push to the stage site and begin testing.
How to add more than one author to a post:
- Login to the site.
- From the dashboard, click on “Posts.”
- Edit the post that you want to show multiple authors on.
- Now look for the “Author's Option” that is displayed on the edit page. (if you do not see this option then you will have to make it visible. At the top of the screen on the edit page, click on “Screen Options.” Now check the “authors”checkbox. Now you should see a new field appear below the posts content area or in the sidebar.)
- Now type in the other authors of the post. If they are a user on the site then then their name will start to appear as you are typing just click on the right person.
- Now click on the “publish”to save the changes.
PDF Enhanced Plugin
How to update the theme template for manual placement:
Depending on the theme that you are using, will depend on what files that you need to update. Look for files that display author information for posts. Such as index.php, single.php and functions.php.
- Within the functions.php file look for entry_meta() function, this function will display author information.
- Make use of if, else statements so that if the plugin is turned off in the future errors will not be produced. Place the code snippet that follows in the theme template that you would like this to be displayed in.
<!--?php if ( function_exists( 'wpptopdfenh_display_icon' ) ) { wpptopdfenh_display_icon(); } ?-->
- Every theme will be different, now save the theme updates.
- Push to the stage site and begin testing.
Microposts Plugin
How to increase the number of microposts that are visible:
- Login into your WordPress site.
- Hover over "Appearance."
- Click on "Widgets."
- Click on "Content Half Right" on the right hand side of the screen (a drop down show open).
- Click on "Microblog: Updates" (a drop down show open).
- Look for where it says "Number of posts" and then change that number from 10 to say 50 for now.
- Now click on "Save" to make sure that your updates are made.